Reading for Change: The Importance of Motivational Books for Prisoners in Prison Reform

Reading for Change: The Importance of Motivational Books for Prisoners in Prison Reform

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Reading for Change - The Importance of Motivational Books for Prisoners in Prison Reform

Reading motivational books in prison plays an important role in the prisoner’s life and they can start a transforming journey after their punishment ends. These motivational and inspiring books will serve them with the right guidance, positive change in themselves, and personal growth. They can also enhance their literature, build good communication, and have a path of healing and loving themselves.

It is one of the best ways to overcome negative thoughts and ways of life. These books will also help to stop committing crimes and have some meaning in their life. Prisoners reading books in prison will not only motivate them to change in a good way but also the society will get a positive impact, streets free of crimes and peaceful surroundings.

Here Are 8 Inspiring Books Written by Amazing Authors

1. Beyond Redemption by Eoin McLennan Murray:

This book, Beyond Redemption, is written by the Former President of the Prison Governors’ Association, Eoin McLennan Murray. He joined the prison service and worked in many different prisons and here he observes the life of a prisoner.

This is one of the best and most interesting stories of a prison governor who has to face after the raid, who stood against the odds and fought back against the wrong. This is one the best books that talks about personal events in prison service history. Beyond Redemption is a fascinating motivational and personal growth book for prisoners that will educate them and lead them to a good path. And also said to be the Best book for prison reform.

2. From Prison to Penthouse by Myrio Lemons:

The well-known author Myrio Lemons wrote the book From Prison to Penthouse. This book is a step by step guide that you can implement to be the boss or leader of the group. This book will make you assertive and free from it. Negative thoughts and how to grow yourself and your friend circle.

This book has a number of good business talks and life rules that will help you throughout your future. It will inspire and change prisoners, making it one of the best and must-read books for personal growth for inmates.

3. Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In by Louis Zamperini:

Louis Zamperini shared the wonderful lesson he learned from his life in his book Don’t Give Up and Don’t Give In. He shared how he faced problems in the Japanese prison, but still, he didn’t lose hope, he didn’t give up or surrender, and he didn’t allow anyone to rule his life; this is the best book that tells about life in prison, he also talks about how he survives with his positive attitude and believe and connection with God. This is a top motivational book for inmates that will inspire the prison.

4. Man’s Searching For Meaning by Viktor Frankl:

In this book, he talks about his real-life experience as a prisoner in World War 2. In that prison, the prisoner loses the hope, desire, and meaning of their life because of the cruel behavior they have to face each day.

In that case, he motivates the prisoners and brings them back to their lives through his words; in this, he talks about the experience and harsh phase he had to spend there, after these years, he became so strong this book will reminds the readers that no one can snatch the inner freedom from you.

Or the peace in your mind and heart, This book is not depressing or sad, but the motivating and inspiring book for you, its talks about the logo therapy means that help people find purpose of their life must read and top motivational book for inmates, from they can rehab through motivational book.

5. Emotional Stability During Incarceration by Shashi K Agarwal:

Shashi K Agarwal, the author of this masterpiece, in this book he wrote about mental and emotional health during prison and how to remain mentally stable and mentally well with the help of motivational quotes present

In his book, because in US jail, your life becomes hard. You also get mentally ill due to their harsh behavior he somehow encouraged prisoners that life doesn’t end, life goes on and after the punishment is over you will be able to recognize your worth and provide self-help to achieve better emotional and mental health during and after the punishment. This is one of the best motivational books for the prisoner and their self-improvement.

6. Papillon by Henrie Charriere:

The book Papillon is an autobiographical novel written by Henrie Charriere, and this book is also said to be a highly-selling novel; this is the best gift you can give yourself by reading this book.

Its story is very interesting and full of thrill, which tells the true meaning of freedom, especially for the person who is falsely imprisoned. This book will teach you a reason to live a life with a purpose, and this is one of the best books’ details and description will stay in your mind forever.

This book will motivate you that you can achieve what you desire and will give you hope, and that’s why it’s said to be one of the best books to read; by reading this, you will realize that living life is so great no matter what happens here.

7. Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela:

Nelson Mandela wrote a motivational autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom. It is one of the best self-improvement books. This author tells the story from his childhood till he became the President and how he provided the vision of leadership, transformation, and forgiveness to the author, Nelson Mandela.

He puts the words so well that it is very much understandable; it is the best book for inmates, for those who desire freedom of mind, heart, and soul. One of the best and highly recommended books you will ever read. If you are interested in Mandela or the Origin of ANC movement, this is the best book for you.

8. The Diary of A Young Girl by Anne Frank:

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is not only about the Jewish teenage girl who lived in hiding because of the Holocaust, but also this book is way deeper than that; in this book, you will read about the opinions of authors about religion, wars, desires, hopes, and relations, which are fascinating.

She is a courageous girl who writes about modern-day ideas; her journey is very heart-touching and makes many people sob; her struggles, dreams, and desires are left uncompleted because of the world war. It is one of the best personal growth and motivational books for prisoners that will encourage, motivate, and educate them.


Rehabilitation through motivational reading is the best thing for inner peace and a good state of mind and soul. These books will give hope and self-help to the suffering and teach you that life doesn’t stop in prison; you can learn and regain your energy after suffering. These books are full of hopes, dreams, and relationships. They will also give you a positive attitude toward yourself and your surroundings.

Also Read: “Beyond Redemption” by Eoin McLennan-Murray from Inspirational Stories Redemption